10AM – 4PM
10AM – 4PM
(there are no CEUs for this event)
IMAGE: Henry Valentine Lukas
At this time all classes will be online. As guidelines and requirements for meeting in public evolve and we are able to do so safely, we will let registrants know their options.
A near-death experience as a child propels the son of Polish immigrants to a lifetime of creative process and individuation.
How art illuminates and facilitates individuation will be shown through the work of Henry (Hank) Valentine Lukas, Southern California artist and advertising executive. Born in Detroit in 1926 to Polish immigrant parents, he nearly died in childhood. While shipping off to serve in World War II, he picked up a dime-store painting kit. He created a haunting picture of a woman, now titled first anima. By the time he died at 92, he had created more than 400 works of art attempting to answer the question posed by the gift of his life. He moved to Los Angeles in 1952, had a career as a “Mad Man” and began Jungian analysis in 1957. Analytical psychology was central to his creative efforts. The formal presentation will include hearing his childhood memories, showing 10-12 works created at different points in his life and reading some of his active imaginations. Those who attend are encouraged to read his creative autobiography Oh to Become What I Was Meant to Be and actively participate during the presentation.
BRIAN LUKAS, PhD, animated by his ancestors, has worked in the Bay Area 40 plus years as a conjurer of wonder, practitioner of etymology, organizer, mentor and contrarian on behalf of children of all ages. Brian is a Psychologist in private practice and has led the Child Therapy Institute for more than 25 years.
Date: Apr 10, 2021 10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Registration closes on Apr 10, 2021 01:00 AM
Activity Type
- Extended Education
Registration Closed
Registration Closed
Brian Lukas Brief Bio : BRIAN LUKAS, PhD, animated by his ancestors, has worked in the Bay Area 40 plus years as a conjurer of wonder, practitioner of etymology, organizer, mentor and contrarian on behalf of children of all ages. Brian is a Psychologist in private practice and has led the Child Therapy Institute for more than 25 years. |
10:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Registration Closed